Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Exit the Apple


Remember several months ago when I wrote about the event that Alex and I went to called The Exchange?  It took place at Exit the Apple, an art space owned by a local couple that also owns Oyin Handmade.  Well, about a month ago, they posted that they were looking to hire someone as an intern to help organize The Exchange each month, along with other things.  I applied while we were on our trip in Puerto Rico and I had an interview a week or two later!

Another girl, a graphic design student, and I are splitting the internship and I'm so excited!  We will help out with the event itself every month, plus help to book 10-12 vendors for each event!  So far, we've had a few meetings, we helped clean up and set up the space for the event on the Friday before, and I attended the event to see how it runs from start to finish.

Everyone is so nice!  The couple that owns Exit the Apple, Pierre and Jamyla Bennu, are so friendly and cool.  Thea Washington, who started The Exchange and who works as a fashion stylist, is also super nice.  She is about to have a baby boy (!) so soon she will be very busy with that, which is part of the reason they wanted to get people to help out.  Also, the staff that works at Oyin Handmade is super friendly, as well as all of the vendors at the February event!  I have met so many nice people already.

Here are the vendors that were at the February Exchange and the type of things they sell:

JSpot Beauty - all types of makeup
Regal Clothes - clothing made from beautiful Ghanaian fabric
Sybarite Soul - pretty jewelry and accessories 
Sweet Tea and Cornbread - yummy cornbread, pot pies, tea, and more
Princess M Nail Polish - fun nail polishes made without harsh chemicals
JiHe Jewelry - pretty necklaces, cuff bracelets, accessories, and more
Linee F Photography - photographs and prints, many from around Baltimore
Melli Belli - cute and unique recycled clothing
Christina McCleary and Jason Harris with Brickbourne Pottery - beautiful handmade mugs
Oyin Handmade - hair and body care products
Mimidre - cute tshirts, sweatshirts, and hats
Marvelous Creations by Madonna - fun, funky handmade jewelry


I bought a bottle of black nail polish (Til Dawn) from Princess M Nail Polish.  Their polishes are chemical-free and I love the one I bought!  It goes on easy and after two layers it looks perfect.  It stays on really well and it also comes off easily with remover, which I like.

Broken House Film was there to advertise the film they're working on which is half documentary, half story about a young boy whose life is changed when he is introduced to House music and dancing.

I won one of their shirts!

Soon they're going to have a Kickstarter to raise money to finish the film.

Throughout the event they have music playing and Good Mike DJing.  Everyone just comes and goes, mingles, buys things, dances, and has a lot of fun!

The first 20 or 30 people to arrive received a goody bag, which the other intern and I put together beforehand.  

I also got a sample pack of some Oyin Handmade products!  I'm so excited to try all of them!!

I'm really happy that I get to help out with this event every month!  It is such a fun thing and it's such a creative environment to be in!  :)

Thanks for reading!


  1. It sounds like such a cool place to work!

  2. Wow Amy! The Broken House team is grateful for the acknowledgment and it was great connecting with you. I hope to reconnect in the near future!

    1. Thanks so much for reading! It was great to learn about your project!! Can't wait to see the final product!
