Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Wedding Fan Factory


I just realized that some ink cartridges that we thought were done are actually brand new so now I can print out the wedding fans! I was thinking I'd have to go to Target to get more ink first, then make the fans, then go to the post office, which is back where Target it.  Not very convenient!  So this post won't be very long :)  That makes tomorrow a lot simpler!  I'm planning on taking them to the post office as soon as I finish them in the AM.  Shipping will be interesting...I don't think I have a box here that will fit them without being too huge and having a super high shipping cost (they're going to Australia!).

I have a little assembly line going right now (print, score, cut, fold, round the corners, tape in the sticks/tape closed).  I love it!  My own little factory :)

If you or anyone you know wants customized paper goods for a special occasion, here's my Etsy shop!  

I went to my second Pop Physique class this morning.  It was great and it was 40 degrees warmer today during my walk there/back than it was when I went on Friday!  There were a lot more people there today, and maybe all different people, too.  It was a different teacher and I really liked her too.  The classes were similar but not exactly the same, which is nice.  My legs were shaking like crazy again!

I might be able to finish a lot of the fan work tonight, so I'm going to go work on that!

Thanks for reading!

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