Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Bye Bye Wedding Fans!


The wedding fans are on their way to Australia!  Yay!  I'm so glad to have them on their way, and I'll be so glad when I hear that they made it there safely :)

The shipping was a bit over what I had estimated and charged for, but that's ok.  This was my first time shipping internationally so now I know a little more for next time!

I made some super fun and yummy treat tonight!!  I'll post the recipe on here soon.  Hint: pumpkin is an ingredient, but it's not pie!

We're spending Thanksgiving with Alex's aunt, uncle, and cousin in Philadelphia so we've been getting all ready tonight.  We're going to leave in the morning since the weather may not be great later on in the day.  We're excited to visit them again!!

I'm going to try to get a few blog posts ready ahead of time so I can keep posting one everyday!  We'll see if that works :)

Thanks for reading and Happy Early Thanksgiving!