Monday, December 1, 2014

Our Philly Thanksgiving!


We're back!  My plan to publish blog posts while we were out of town didn't happen haha :)  But I have lots of posts coming soon!

Alex and I had such a great time in Philadelphia!  We stayed at his Aunt Becky and Uncle Rick's  cool old house.  His cousin, Cole, and their family friend, Jenna, were there, too!  We did so many fun things, ate a ton of great food, played games, saw movies, slept well in a cozy bed...such a great trip!  I have a bunch of pictures so here are some of them!

The weather was chilly!  On our way there Wednesday morning, it poured until we got into Philadelphia and then it started snowing a little bit.  Other than the first day it didn't snow very much at all, but it was very cold!  We brought lots of layers and cozy clothes, so we stayed warm :)

Rick and Becky cooked so many yummy things for Thanksgiving dinner!  They were preparing some of it on Wednesday when we got there.

We went to three movies while we were there!  We saw Birdman on Wednesday night, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 on Friday, and Interstellar (in Imax!) on Saturday.  I really liked all three!

Thanksgiving day was so relaxing and nice!  We watched the parade and the dog show, ate a delish meal, watched TV, and played Cards Against Humanity, which is always so fun!

Here are Alex and Rick working on the turkey!

On Friday, we went to a great Paul Strand photography exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  I loved that!

On Saturday we went downtown and shopped a little bit.  We went to this really cool store called Uniqlo.  They had a ton of cool stuff there.  Alex and I each got a pack of fun socks! 

That night we went to The Franklin Institute!  They have a great brain exhibit there and we had a ton of fun going through that!  That's also where we saw Interstellar in the Imax theater.  

There were all sorts of fun things in the exhibit :)

We also played Clue one night (which is fun but I'm not good at it!  haha) and we watched the movie Eye of the Needle.  It was good!  It was fun to see Donald Sutherland (who is also in the Hunger Games movies) when he was so much younger!  

We drove back on Sunday afternoon after going in some cute shops on Germantown Ave.  The weather was much better on the way home but the traffic wasn't great.  I think everyone was coming home from their Thanksgiving vacays!  We had such a great time!!  It was so nice of Alex's family to invite us for such a fun trip!

I am working on items for the craft fair this Saturday like crazy!  I hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend!

Thanks for reading!

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