Sunday, November 23, 2014

Holiday Fest


Yesterday I saw a picture on Instagram that said something about a craft fair in Baltimore so Alex and I went to check it out!  It was called the Holiday Fest at the Friends School of Baltimore, which is maybe ten minutes north of us, past JHU's undergraduate campus.  That's an area we hadn't been through yet and it's so nice!

The school is huge and really pretty.  It says it was established in the 1700s!  There were two huge rooms plus a few other areas filled with vendors and a silent auction.  There were so many things I wanted to get!  We ended up getting a few fun things :)

We got a set of really cute holiday letterpress cards that have the Washington Monument on them made by Tiny Dog Press.  Then we got some homemade marshmallows from The Mallow Bar!  She had bags of different flavors, plus tons of delish looking rice krispie treats!  We got vanilla marshmallows and I can't wait to try them with hot chocolate!  We also got some Sassy's Tomato Jam.  We got to sample it and it's really yummy!

There were so many other cute things I wanted to buy but some booths didn't take cards and some things we just didn't need to buy!  I got some good ideas for how to set up my table at the craft fair next month!  I also took a bunch of business cards, both so I could find their websites/Etsy pages and also so I could get ideas for how to design my business cards.  I'm hoping to screen print them sometime soon!

We just got home from a really nice dinner party at one of Alex's professor's houses!  They have such a nice house!  It's right on the water and you can see Baltimore far away across the water!  His professor and her husband made tapas the entire evening.  Every once in a while they would come around with a tray of another type of yummy food!  They had cups of salad and pasta, tiny plates with shrimp, pork and sweet potato casserole, spoons of some kind of stew-type thing, and so much more.  Everything was delish!  I can't believe how much food they made!

At the end they brought out lemon and pumpkin mousse in cute little cups!

They have the sweetest doggy!!

I got to meet so many of Alex's friends, their significant others, and a few of his teachers!  It was so much fun!!

Time for bed!  I'm going to my second Pop Physique class tomorrow morning :)

Thanks for reading!