Saturday, November 15, 2014

Library Cards!


This morning Alex and I went on a nice walk around the neighborhood!  It was in the 30s but we bundled up.  We walked down to the Washington Monument and then we walked over to the library!  We've walked past it before but never when it was open.  It was open today so we went in and got library cards!

We didn't stay in there very long (we got hot because we were wearing so many warm things!) but I can't wait to go back!

It's so pretty inside!

I got lots of fun mail today!  A package from my mom and my Birchbox!

So fun!!!  One of the things my mom sent me is a lettering textbook from when she was in high school!  I can't wait to look through it at all the fonts and practice!  I got so many great samples in my Birchbox, too!  I'll write more about them soon.

Last night my improv group Moonbot had a show!  There were four improv groups total and we went last.  It was so much fun!

Here's the poster for our show.

We took a group pic after of all of the performers :)

It was a fun night!

Alex and I just started watching Mildred Pierce.  We're on the second episode (it's a mini-series and there are only five episodes).  It's good so far!  A new SNL is on tonight!

Thanks for reading!

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