Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cute Shop I Found Today


Today I took Alex to school on my way to mail an Etsy order at the post office.  Since I found free 2-hour parking, I decided to walk around a little bit after I mailed the package.  I saw a store called Maja that looked cute so I went inside.  It had so many pretty things!  A lot of the items were labeled Fair Trade and pretty much everything was made in another country.  There were tons of African things from drums and wall hangings to jewelry and clothes.

The woman working there, who also happens to be the owner, is named Mary.  We started talking and I ended up staying there for almost an hour!  She is so nice!  We talked about the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show (she has never been to it but she's heard of it and wants to go), my musical background, when she's gone to different countries in Africa and when I went to Ghana.  She goes to Mali a lot!  She told me about a show she's going to do in her shop some time next year and asked if maybe Alex and I would like to play our djembes for it!  She played a CD for me with lots of really great drumming music and she told me about different drumming things she goes to in DC.

There were so many pretty things there.  I need to go back soon!  I bought a few little things, but they're presents so I won't post what I got!  :)  I'm so glad I walked into that store today!  Mary is so so nice and it's fun to meet new people here!

I had a phone interview tonight with Charm City Yoga for a (potential) work-study position!  They interview people occasionally and they decide whether or not to add you to their waiting list for when there are openings.  I hope I get a chance to do it someday!  You work at the desk and/or clean up the studio in exchange for free, unlimited yoga classes.  There are several locations and I said I'd prefer to work at the one that is right around the corner from us.  We'll see!!  :)

Tomorrow I need to finish up the design for my custom order wedding fans!  The girl loves the picture I sent her of the half-finished design, so that's good!

Here's a picture of the elastic I used to make a polka dot set of hair ties yesterday!

Thanks for reading!

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