Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Vaccinations and Vegetables


Today we got our flu shots!  Well, Alex did, and I got the nasal spray :)  We went to Target instead of Walgreens (because they have a PARKING LOT!  Who knew that was something we'd ever have to worry about!) and it was super quick and easy.  We'd never used their clinic/pharmacy before but I think we might start using them because we really liked it and the Walgreens we've been going to is so inconvenient!  

We always try to eat healthy but this week I'm doing a thing on Facebook called Clean Eats and Healthy Treats that a friend from high school set up!  She is a Beachbody Coach and she made this group for people to try for free for a week.  It's basically just trying not to eat white foods, don't drink soda (which I don't anyway), and eat lots of fruit and veggies!  I've been eating oatmeal with fruit for breakfast everyday, which is so easy and yummy!  I've been eating more fruits and vegetables (I've been hooked on avocado for a few weeks!), I haven't been eating bread or snacking on things like tortilla chips and pretzels, and I haven't really had any sweets!

Tonight we had omelets!  It was my first time making them and they were good!  When I worked at the Arizona Inn, I watched a lot of omelet stations at different banquet events, so I tried to use what I learned from that :)

Tomatoes, avocado, and cheese!

We've gotten a ton of rain tonight!  That's been nice :)  It warmed up our apartment a little bit which I don't mind.  Hopefully the leak near our window doesn't leak more...we heard people on the roof the other day so I think they fixed it from the outside.  We're prepared with towels and bowl just in case, though!

Well, my computer is acting weird and I want to read more so that's all for now!  Tomorrow I'm going to post about the really cute Halloween project kit I got in my Paper Pumpkin last month!

Thanks for reading!

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