Monday, October 20, 2014

SoBo Cafe and Other Fun Things!


Alex and I finally had everything we needed plus time to do all the car stuff we needed to do at the MVA (MD's DMV), so we got that over with today!  Yay!  

It has been getting colder here!!  This morning it was in the 40s when we drove to the MVA so I bundled up!  Our apartment is 74 right now.  Time for cozy quilts!  Well, it's always time for those.

The other night Alex and I went to dinner at SoBo Cafe.  Alex found it online and made a reservation!  It was soo cute.  It was fancy, with white table cloths, but also kind of cazsh (I can never decide how to spell that) with orange walls and cool art and the staff didn't have uniforms.  Our food was SO good.

They  have lots of different spreads that come with vegetables and crostini so we got the spicy feta one, which had garlic and jalapeno mixed in, for an appetizer.

It was amazing...I probably could have had just that and been good!!  I got the SoBo Burger and Alex got the Chicken Pot Pie.

My burger came with a yummy salad and the best potatoes (roasted fingerling potatoes) I've ever eaten!  Alex's meal came in a bowl and it had the "pie crust" in a big square that they laid on top of it!  He loved it.  For dessert we shared the SoBo Sundae - brownies with ice cream, caramel, candied nuts, and MARSHMALLOW FLUFF.  Yummy!!

We will have to go back again for lunch or brunch!

Tonight Alex and I started watching the show Transparent.  There are ten thirty-minute episodes that were released all at once in September on Amazon Prime.  We watched 3 episodes tonight and we love it!  There are lots of great actors in it and it's just really good so far!

I don't think I ever wrote about this, but on Saturday I went to an open audition that Charm City Comedy Project was holding for their improv groups!  It was really fun, we mostly did short scenes.  The auditions were upstairs in a bar called Zissimo's in Hampden, which is a really cute neighborhood west of JHU's undergraduate campus.  We hadn't been up there yet and it was so nice!  It sort of reminded us of 4th Avenue in Tucson.  We'll have to go back there soon.  Anyway, I found out yesterday that I made it onto one of their improv teams called Moonbot!  I'm excited to get to do improv again and make some friends!  The first rehearsal I'll go to is Sunday.

Gotta go read in bed!  Thanks for reading!

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