Sunday, October 19, 2014

Gone Girl the Movie


Alex and I have been wanting to see Gone Girl and since I finished reading the book the other day, we went today!  The theater we went to, which we've been to one other time, is Landmark Theaters - Harbor East.  It's really nice!

I liked the movie!  I thought it was really similar to the book.  After the movie I was trying to think of differences between the two to tell Alex about and I could hardly think of any major ones!

Some of the characters in the movie were a lot like I pictured them in my head while I was reading it and some not so much.  I pictured Amy (played by Rosamund Pike) to be less...creepy that I thought she was in the movie (like when they first met, while things were still good, etc.)!  In the movie, she just seemed a little crazy from the beginning.  But that was probably the point!  Also, I thought it was hard to think of Ben Affleck, who plays Nick, as a mean guy!  But I think that's just because I pictured him being a lot worse.  In the book you hear a lot more of what's going on in his head, and it's not so nice.  I really liked Carrie Coon, who plays Margo.  I thought she was really good and she was just how I pictured her.  Kim Dickens, who is Detective Boney, was also really good.  You can really see how she tries so hard to be on Nick's side, but when she finds out things he's kept from them, she's so disappointed in/mad at him.  I can't believe she's the same person who's in Treme, which Alex and I started watching about a month ago!!  I thought Neil Patrick Harris did a good job being creepy, overbearing, Desi!  That's not how I pictured Desi at all, but he nailed it!

I liked how the movie was shown in the same way that the book was written - going back and forth between present time with Nick and the past with Amy writing in her journal.  Every time it switches, it shows the number of days gone on the bottom of the screen.

If you haven't read or seen it, I think I'd recommend reading it first.  The book is of course much more detailed, which is nice for any parts they might skip over in the movie, but also since they're so similar to each other, reading the book second would be so much less suspenseful!  Anyway, I think both are really good!

I started reading Sharp Objects last night!  This is the first novel Gillian Flynn wrote.  I'm not very far in but so far I like it!  Suspenseful already.

I got another Etsy order today.  Didn't she pick out such pretty colors?  I love them :)  I'll put it in the mail tomorrow!

The green looks a lot brighter in this pic!  At least on my computer screen.  It's actually olive.

This one is my favorite, on that cute cardstock!!  But they all turned out pretty darn cute I must say!  :)

Tomorrow I'll write about this really cute restaurant that Alex and I had dinner at last night!

Thanks for reading!

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