Saturday, October 18, 2014

Two Book Reviews


I just recently read This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper and Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.  I loved both!  They actually reminded me a little of each other and since I read them one after the other, I sometimes mixed them up in my head :)  Both are now movies that we haven't seen yet, but hopefully we'll see them soon!  I don't give anything away in this post, so you can read it even if you haven't read the books :)

This Is Where I Leave You was really easy to read, which I love.  If a book is too complicated or hard to read, I just can't do it!  It's about a family who is sitting shiva after their father passes away.  Since the family never spends that much time together under one roof, it drives them all a little crazy.  It is told from the perspective of the middle brother, who has a lot going on in his life aside from his father dying.  You get to see how he deals with (or doesn't deal with) his life during everything else that's happening.

You get to see how the siblings interact with each other, with their mom, and with all of the people who come to visit while they're sitting shiva.  I liked it because nothing about the book seemed unbelievable.  Everything that happened was pretty normal.  You get to learn a little about the family's lives and the problems they're dealing with outside of that week, too.

I thought it was really good and I'd recommend it!

Gone Girl was really suspenseful and good!  It's pretty disturbing, too.  I really like how it's written - alternating between the present time from the husband's perspective, and the past from the wife's journal entries.  Going back and forth between what is happening in the husband's life after the incident (I don't want to spoil anything!) and what the wife was writing about for a few years leading up to it makes it even more of a mystery!  It also makes it hard to decide whose side you're on!  I kept changing my mind about what I thought really happened and who did what!  If you like thriller books then I think you would like this!

My mom and I each added one of Gillian Flynn's other books to our Birchbox orders (they were free when you spent $35+!) sand I got my order in the mail today!!  I got Sharp Objects and she got Dark Places.  Can't wait to start reading!

Thanks for reading!

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