Thursday, October 16, 2014

Electricity Out, Game Night In!


Yesterday our whole side of the block had a weird electricity situation!  Around 1pm our kitchen light turned off, so I thought maybe the light had burnt out.  Then I started trying different switches and figured out that no lights would turn on, but the oven, microwave, coffee machine, and TV still worked...weird!  I walked down to the lobby to see what was going on and everything else seemed to be half-working too.  Luckily we have so many huge windows in our apartment, so even though it was a cloudy, rainy day, it was still pretty bright inside!

The timeline for the rest of the night:
4:30pm - Electricity is back on
4:45pm - Find a leak in the window (maintenance will fix it soon)
5pm - Alex gets home
5:30pm - Electricity goes to half-working again
7pm - All electricity goes out!

Here's Alex going down the dark stairs to the lobby! 

7:30pm - Get milkshakes at Potbelly's (YUM) 

See how dark our whole block was?

8-10pm - Play 20 Questions in the dark 
10pm - Go to bed
Midnight? - Electricity turns back on
3am-ish? - Alex hears the TV downstairs and goes to turn it off

What a funny night!  At least the weather was so nice so we didn't need AC or heat.

I got an very exciting package in the mail yesterday that I will post about soon!!

Thanks for reading!

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