Thursday, September 25, 2014

What I'm Currently Reading


I am soo sleepy so this is going to be short!  It was a chilly day that started out SO rainy!  Alex and I got up super early to try and go to the MVA, Maryland's version of the DMV, and do more car stuff.  It turns out we still didn't have everything we needed (grr), so we just took a wet, windy walk to the car, drove part of the way there, and then I dropped Alex off at school!  Fun morning :)

Tonight is the last night we could go to a Charm City Yoga class as part of our 30 days for $25 (for first-time students there).  We went to a beginner vinyasa class and it was great!  We really loved the teacher.

Tonight, season 3 of Scandal started!  It was so good and intense.  We also watched How to Get Away with Murder, which was good, too!  

I'm always kind of reading several books at one time, but right now I'm mostly reading This is Where I Leave You.

There is a movie out now that's based on it with sooo many actors we like!  Tina Fey, Jason Bateman, Adam Driver, etc.  I want to finish reading it before we see it!  It's good so far!  I'm about 50 pages in.

I want to read a few pages before I can't keep my eyes open anymore, so I'd better go!

Thanks for reading!

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